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Every single day, many of the women who make our clothes are forced to work in fear. But you can help stop exploitative work practices and ensure their safety.

Join us in demanding that Myer:

  • Puts workers' lives before profits
  • Signs the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry

Workers lives are at risk

Fire and building safety disasters have killed thousands of garment workers. This year marks 10 years since the worst of these disasters - the 2013 Rana Plaza factory building collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killed 1,134 workers and injured thousands more.

This was a disaster waiting to happen.

When structural cracks were discovered in the building workers begged to be sent home but managers refused.

We must act now to prevent another Rana Plaza disaster.

The collapse of Rana Plaza led to the development of an acclaimed, legally binding safety agreement between fashion brands, factories and trade unions – the International Accord.
The Accord has made over a thousand factories in Bangladesh safer and protected the lives of millions of garment workers. But countless more workers continue to be at risk.

What we can do to keep workers safe

Over 190 brands have signed the Accord but Myer continues to put workers’ safety at risk by refusing to sign.

Sign the petition today and tell Myer that you care about workers safety.

Accord Brands.png

Credit: ActionAid Australia



Destructive weather fueled by climate change is causing an increase floods, fires, and historic famines that are devastating lives all over the world. Whilst climate change affects us all, it hurts some people more than others and many communities are struggling to survive. Women, young people, First Peoples, and those already experiencing poverty or inequality are at greatest risk. The climate crisis and the system that created it are the biggest contributors to global poverty and inequality today. Years of reckless climate policy has allowed fossil fuel giants to get rich by mining and burning coal, oil and gas like there’s no tomorrow while those who contributed least to the crisis are plunged deeper into poverty. It is estimated that climate change could drive a further 122 million people into extreme poverty by 2030.


Myer - ensure the women who make our clothes are safe at work!

By signing this petition, you agree that Oxfam Australia may contact you about the progress of this campaign and different opportunities to support its work around the world, including fundraising. You consent to Oxfam Australia collecting and handling your personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy. If you have any questions please email us at [email protected] or call 1800 088 110.

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