Bangladesh: 35 years old Nilufa Yesmin is a Rana Plaza survivor. She is still suffering from the consequences of the factory collapse. Her spinal cord is fractured when she was crushed under a Beam in Rana Plaza. Now she is unable to do any work. Photo: Fabeha Monir/Oxfam

The International Accord is the most successful safety campaign in the garment industry and transformed health and safety in Bangladesh. So why won’t Best&Less and Myer sign? 

Join us to demand Best&Less and Myer sign the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry today! Support the International Accord’s three main goals:

  1. A culture of workplace safety through training and encouraging workers to identify, address and monitor safety hazards at factories.

  2. Prevent fire, electrical, structural, and boiler safety accidents through inspections and remediation program led by independent engineers.

  3. A trusted avenue for workers to raise safety concerns through an independent complaints mechanism.
Many Australian brands have already signed the International Accord, but Best&Less and Myer are lagging far behind, placing their workers at risk.

It’s been 11 years since the Rana Plaza factory collapsed, killing 1,134 workers and injuring over 2,000. Many international brands made clothing in these factories and the catastrophe opened the worlds’ eyes to the human cost of fast fashion.
Never again.
In the aftermath, campaigners and concerned consumers urged brands around the world to sign the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Accord, an acclaimed initiative to improve factory safety. Many did, including a number of Australian brands.
The Accord made a real difference to workplace safety in Bangladesh and protected the lives of millions of the women who make our clothes.
Fast forward over a decade, and now, there are two Australian brands who still haven’t signed the latest International Accord — Best&Less and Myer.
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Women like Nilufa were badly hurt in the collapse, and live with daily pain and nightmares. She has been unable to work since.

Demand Best&Less and Myer keep their workers safe and sign the Accord today.


Destructive weather fueled by climate change is causing an increase floods, fires, and historic famines that are devastating lives all over the world. Whilst climate change affects us all, it hurts some people more than others and many communities are struggling to survive. Women, young people, First Peoples, and those already experiencing poverty or inequality are at greatest risk. The climate crisis and the system that created it are the biggest contributors to global poverty and inequality today. Years of reckless climate policy has allowed fossil fuel giants to get rich by mining and burning coal, oil and gas like there’s no tomorrow while those who contributed least to the crisis are plunged deeper into poverty. It is estimated that climate change could drive a further 122 million people into extreme poverty by 2030.


Demand Best&Less and Myer keep their workers safe

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